Bossa Studios Has Laid Off ‘Around One Third’ of its Staff

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**Bossa Studios Announces Redundancies Affecting One-Third of Staff**

In unfortunate news for the gaming industry, UK developer Bossa Studios has announced redundancies, affecting approximately 19 employees. This follows a challenging period in the industry, during which around 10,000 developers were laid off throughout 2023.

**Bossa Studios’ Staff Reduction: 40 Employees Remain**

The redundancies leave around 40 employees still employed at Bossa Studios. Co-founder Henrique Olifiers offered an explanation for the layoffs, attributing them to a multitude of high-profile games launched at the end of 2023. He stated:

“The focus on top-tier titles has taken our attention away from indie games.”

**A Perfect Storm of Events: Increased Costs and Delayed Funding Decisions**

Olifers further elaborated on the reasons for the redundancies, stressing that they were a result of “a perfect storm of events.” These included rising operational costs and delayed funding decisions.

**Bossa Studios in the Spotlight: The Game Awards and Focus on Upcoming Game**

Despite the layoffs, Bossa Studios has recently been in the spotlight at The Game Awards, with the award-winning trailer for their upcoming game receiving a significant amount of attention. Olifiers noted that all resources and focus were now directed towards delivering this project successfully.

For more Insider Gaming news, be sure to check out our coverage on recent developments in the gaming industry.

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