Riot Games Reported Layoffs Are Not New [UPDATED]

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Riot Games Clarifies Previous Layoff Report: No New Layoffs of 336 Employees

UPDATE: Following a report on February 14 about Riot Games planning to lay off an additional 336 employees, a representative of the company reached out to Insider Gaming to clarify the situation.

“Riot Games is not laying off another 336 employees,” the rep stated. “This number is already reflected in the 530 reductions that were announced in January.”

Previously Reported: Riot Games to Let Go of 336 More Employees by March 25

Initially reported via a WARN Notice, Riot Games was set to let go of an additional 336 employees across its Los Angeles and Redwood City locations. This new round of layoffs was scheduled to occur by March 25, 2023.

Impacted Departments Unknown

At the time, there was no information available regarding which departments of Riot Games would be affected by these layoffs.

Recent Layoffs Affected 11% of the Company

This news comes just over a month after Riot Games announced the layoffs of 530 employees and the closure of its Riot Forge label. The last game from Riot Forge, Bandle Tale: A League of Legends Story, is set to launch on February 21.

Riot Games Admitted “Bad Bets” and Lack of Focus

In January, Riot Games CEO Dylan Jadeja acknowledged that the company had made “bad bets” as it attempted to grow from its 2019 size. He also stated that Riot was a “company without a sharp enough focus.”

Insider Gaming’s Take: What Do You Think of Riot Games’ Layoffs?

Should Riot Games have laid off an additional 336 employees, or were the initial layoffs enough? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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