World of Warcraft Adds ‘Plunderstorm’ Battle Royale Event

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Blizzard Unveils Plunderstorm Limited-Time Event in World of Warcraft: A Pirate-Themed Battle Royale

At the recent BlizzConline event, Blizzard announced the full details of the Plunderstorm limited-time event, now live in World of Warcraft’s latest update. This pirate-themed performance royale mode offers players a new way to engage with the game.

Pirating Your Way to Victory: Plunderstorm Basics

Plunderstorm might be a new concept for some World of Warcraft players. This performance royale mode requires pirates to “find abilities, upgrades, and loot” to be the last one standing in the Arathi Highlands. For those new to the performance royale genre, don’t worry: “Plunderers still gain progression that helps unlock new rewards,” ensuring players can improve their skills and strategies throughout the event.

Plunderstorm Event Details

Blizzard released a cinematic trailer for the event, which will last “the next several weeks.” Each Plunderstorm match features 60 players and lasts approximately 10 to 15 minutes. Players don’t need an expansion but do require a World of Warcraft Subscription or Game Time.

Esports Tournament and Other Updates

In addition to the Plunderstorm event, Blizzard also teased a “new Esports tournament to celebrate its launch.” The devs have yet to confirm the tournament’s date but promised more information soon.

Plunderstorm Notes and Battle Royale Trends

Blizzard released notes detailing all the essential classes, dungeons and raids, items, and PvP aspects of Plunderstorm. Meanwhile, other popular performance royale games like PUBG Battlegrounds plan to add new features.

Apex Legends recently released an overhaul for its Battle Royale mode with “major updates.” Readyverse Studios, a new metaverse performance royale experience, is also on the horizon. The first biome will even feature content from “Ready Player One.”

Dipping a Toe into Battle Royale Waters

Some World of Warcraft fans might be taken aback by the game’s foray into performance royale with Plunderstorm. While it is only a limited-time event, it does open the door to potential future updates in this genre.

More Insider Gaming Updates: Xbox Game Pass Additions

For the latest gaming news, check out the upcoming titles coming to Xbox Game Pass this month.

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