TimeSplitters Concept Art Surfaces From Cancelled Project

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**Lamenting the Loss of TimeSplitters:** *Gamers React to Free Radical’s Shutdown*

Following the unexpected shutdown of Free Radical Design, the gaming community is expressing their disappointment and sadness over the potential loss of a new installment in the TimeSplitters series. Just two years ago, there were signs that the long-awaited follow-up title might be announced.

**Leaked Images from Cancelled TimeSplitters Project**

Amidst the mourning, dozens of images from Free Radical’s cancelled TimeSplitters project have emerged contact, offering a glimpse into what could have been.

**A Franchise in Peril: The Last Stand of TimeSplitters?**

The last TimeSplitters game was released back in 2005. For years, rumors of a fourth title circulated, only to fade away as Free Radical struggled to stay afloat. With the recent shutdown, it seems that this could be the end of the line for the beloved franchise.

**A Peek into Free Radical’s Cancelled Project:** *Images and Insights from TimeSplitters Fandom*

Thanks to a collection of images, now hosted on the TimeSplitters ‘Fandom’ site, we have an idea of what was being worked on. The set includes approximately seventy pieces of concept art, set designs, weapons, and character models from nine different developers.

**A Selection of Leaked Images:**

[![TimeSplitters Image 1](https://source.unsplash.com/random)](#)
*An early concept for a TimeSplitters environment.*

[![TimeSplitters Image 2](https://source.unsplash.com/random)](#)
*A peek at a new character model for TimeSplitters.*

[![TimeSplitters Image 3](https://source.unsplash.com/random)](#)
*A potential new weapon for the TimeSplitters series.*

For further Insider Gaming news, don’t forget to explore our coverage on the latest developments.

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