EXCLUSIVE: How iRacing Acquired NASCAR and IndyCar Licenses

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iRacing’s New NASCAR and IndyCar Licenses: How It All Came Together

Over the past few months, iRacing has made headlines for securing both NASCAR and IndyCar licenses. In an exclusive interview with Insider Gaming, iRacing president Tony Gardner shared insights into the negotiations between iRacing, NASCAR, IndyCar, and Motorsport Games.

A History of Cooperation: iRacing and Motorsport Games

Gardner emphasized that despite some disagreements, iRacing has had a good relationship with Motorsport Games in the past. He acknowledged issues like exclusivity licenses but appreciated the ongoing communication.

iRacing’s Desire to Enter the Console Market

“We really wanted that NASCAR license for console gaming,” Gardner shared. “After purchasing Monster Games in 2022, we’ve been putting out the World of Outlaws game and building up our studio with iRacing tech for future console games.”

A Long and Complicated Deal: NASCAR, Motorsport Games, and iRacing

“It was a complicated deal involving Motorsports Games, NASCAR, and the NASCAR teams,” Gardner revealed. “We had to negotiate a new three-way deal while keeping everyone happy.”

A Perfect Match: NASCAR and iRacing

“The collaboration between NASCAR and iRacing is a dream come true for us,” Gardner stated. “Not only did we want the license, but our technology will allow us to create the best NASCAR game possible.”

The IndyCar License: A Different Story

“IndyCar has always been a significant license for iRacing,” Gardner explained. “Despite never having an exclusive agreement, we had strong IndyCar fanbase members.”

A Failed Console Game and the Return of IndyCar to iRacing

“When Motorsport Games secured an exclusive deal with IndyCar in 2023, our license expired,” he continued. “Throughout the process, I remained in contact with both Motorsport Games and IndyCar.”

Patience and Persistence: Reuniting with IndyCar

“Motorsport Games struggled to fulfill the console game part of their agreement with IndyCar,” Gardner shared. “This provided an opportunity for iRacing to collaborate with IndyCar once more.”

Insider Gaming Exclusive: The Full Interview

For a more in-depth discussion, listen to the full interview with iRacing president Tony Gardner on our platform. This interview includes further details about the IndyCar license, NASCAR console game, new features in iRacing, esports growth, and more.

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