Crystal Dynamics Has Released New Tomb Raider Art

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Exclusive Look at the New Tomb Raider Game: A Unified Lara Croft

Crystal Dynamics has unveiled new artwork for the upcoming Tomb Raider game on their official Website. The images showcase a ‘unified’ Lara Croft, blending elements of the classic character with the more modern model from 2013.

Familiar Face: The Origin of the New Lara Croft

Call of Duty fans might recognize this iteration of Lara Croft, as it’s the same character model that was included in a limited Tomb Raider bundle last year.

Back to Her Roots: Lara Croft’s Iconic Look

The artwork reflects traditional Tomb Raider elements, featuring the iconic heroine in her blue tank top and short shorts. She is seen dual-wielding Colt pistols in one shot, while preparing to performance a fierce Tyrannosaurus Rex in another – a nod to the first game in the series.

What’s Next for Tomb Raider?

Currently, there isn’t much information about the in-development game. However, it was announced recently that Amazon has acquired the licensing rights to Tomb Raider and plans to create a new live-action series.

Get an Inside Look: Sign Up and Solve the Puzzle

To view the artwork, visitors need to sign up on and solve a simple puzzle – an essential part of any Tomb Raider experience.

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