Blizzard Gets New President And It’s a Former Activision Executive

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New President at Blizzard Entertainment: Johanna Faries Takes Over

Blizzard Entertainment has announced a new president, and she comes from a familiar place – Activision. Johanna Faries, who previously served as the head of Call of Duty esports for Activision, will be taking over the role left vacant by Mike Ybarra.

Faries’ Email to Employees

According to a report by Jason Schreier, Faries reached out to the company after her appointment. In her email, she acknowledged the past tension between Activision and Blizzard regarding Blizzard’s desire to work on their projects according to their preferences without being pressured to be more like Activision.

“Different Approaches to Game Development”

“It’s essential to understand that Call of Duty’s approach to delivering for players every day can sometimes differ significantly from the awe-inspiring games in Blizzard’s realm, where each title offers unique gameplay experiences, passionate communities, and distinct models of success,” Faries stated via Bloomberg. “I’ve discussed this with the Blizzard leadership team, and I’m entering this position with a keen awareness of these differences and deep respect for Blizzard as we explore new heights for our universes.”

Faries’ Tenure Begins on February 5

Faries is set to begin her role as president on February 5 and will hold a town hall meeting with employees shortly after.

Previous Coverage: Eidos-Montreal’s Take on Studio Changes

For more Insider Gaming news, check out our recent coverage of Eidos-Montreal’s take on studio changes.

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