Popularium Startup Co-Founded by Ex-Hearthstone Dev Plans to Expand

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Popularium: A New Game Startup Bringing Innovation to the Gaming Industry

In an exclusive interview with Games Industry.biz, the talented team at Popularium announced their plans to expand and launch a public alpha for their upcoming game, Chaos Agents.

Co-Founded by Veterans of the Industry

Popularium was co-founded by industry veterans Jon Bankard, known for his work on World of Warcraft and Hearthstone, Richard Garfield, the creator of Magic: The Gathering, and Arka Ray, former Xbox Live manager.

Securing Seed Money to Expand the Team

With a recent injection of $2 million in seed funding, Arka Ray stated that “this investment will help us expand our team to better support our growing community.”

Chaos Agents: A Superhero-Themed Battle Royale Game

Currently in development at Popularium, Chaos Agents is a superhero-themed game that combines the Battle Royale genre with auto-battling mechanics. Each player’s superheroes will be unique.

Battle Royale Genre on the Rise

The Battle Royale genre is experiencing a surge in popularity, with several new titles revealed this month. Recently, gameplay leaked for an upcoming title, and World of Warcraft surprised fans with a Battle Royale mode.

Summer 2023: The Anticipated Public Alpha Release

Arka Ray announced during the interview that Popularium plans to “launch the Chaos Agents public alpha in the summer of 2023.” However, an exact release date has yet to be confirmed.

Aims for a 2025 Release

The studio is currently targeting a 2025 release for Chaos Agents. Consequently, the public alpha may not include all content intended for the full game.

Innovation and Economics-Driven Games

Arka Ray mentioned during the interview that “Popularium is committed to developing games that push the boundaries of innovation in game design and economics.” The studio intends to create a series of titles along with a custom-built cloud gaming engine.

Popularium’s Upcoming Milestones

The team at Popularium has announced plans to expand their startup, as well as launch a public alpha for Chaos Agents. Co-founded by industry veterans, the studio recently secured $2 million in seed funding to support their team expansion and game development.

A Summer Release: Chaos Agents Public Alpha

Popularium is currently working on their debut title, Chaos Agents, which combines the Battle Royale genre with auto-battling mechanics. The game’s superheroes are unique to each player and offer a fresh take on the genre. The studio plans to release a public alpha in the summer of 2023.

Innovative Game Design and Economics

The Battle Royale genre has gained significant momentum, with numerous new titles revealed recently. Popularium aims to contribute to this trend by pushing the boundaries of game design and economics in their upcoming projects. The team plans to develop a series of games accompanied by a custom-built cloud gaming engine.

Expanding Popularium’s Startup Team and Community

Arka Ray, a former Xbox Live manager at Popularium, shared that the recent funding will help expand the team to manage the growing community. The studio’s co-founders include Jon Bankard from World of Warcraft and Hearthstone, Richard Garfield, creator of Magic: The Gathering, and Ray himself. Chaos Agents is predicted to release in 2025, so the public alpha may not include all content from the full game.

Chaos Agents: Blending Battle Royale and Auto-Battling Mechanics

Popularium’s debut title, Chaos Agents, will introduce unique superheroes for each player and blend the Battle Royale genre with auto-battling mechanics. The team has already held a pre-alpha playtest, but a public alpha release date is yet to be confirmed.

Recent Battle Royale Developments

Recently, gameplay leaks have emerged for various Battle Royale titles, including World of Warcraft’s rumored entry. Surprisingly, Blizzard announced a new Battle Royale mode for their popular MMORPG. Other developers are also joining the trend, expanding the genre’s horizons.

Expansion Plans and Custom-Built Cloud Gaming Engine

With the recent $2 million seed funding, Popularium intends to expand its team and bring in more support for managing their growing community. Arka Ray shared that they plan to “develop games that push the boundaries of innovation in game design and economics,” with a series of titles and a custom-built cloud gaming engine. The Chaos Agents public alpha is predicted to launch this summer, providing an early glimpse into Popularium’s innovative game design.

Stay Tuned for More Insider Gaming News

For the latest news in the gaming industry, read about a recent leak revealing potential features of , and the announcement of a new performance pass. Popularium’s Chaos Agents public alpha is an exciting development, with many more innovative projects in the works from this promising startup. Stay tuned for updates on these games and more!

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