Remedy Has Shut Down The Take-Two Logo Legal Dispute Claims

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**Headline:** Remedy and Take-Two Interactive Settle Legal Dispute over New Logo

**Subheadline:** Clarifying the Misunderstanding between Two Gaming Companies

Recently, rumors emerged about a legal dispute between gaming companies Take-Two Interactive and Remedy Entertainment. The controversy centered around Remedy’s new logo, featuring a stylized ‘R.’ Records indicated that this issue had been ongoing for several months, leading some to speculate about an underlying struggle between the two entities.

However, Remedy has now released a statement to clarify the situation to Eurogamer. **[h3] The New Logo and the Trademark Claims [/
It’s been almost a year since Remedy unveiled its new logo, expressing a desire to modernize their brand from the outdated representation of their old one. This seemingly innocuous move, however, resulted in two trademark claims initiated by Take-Two Interactive – the parent company of Rockstar Games.

**[h3] A Friendly Resolution [/The recent developments, though, should help put the situation to rest:**

Remedy has handed over the trademarks in question to Take-Two Interactive, allowing both companies to move forward peacefully. This resolution came about through a professional and amicable process between the two parties.

**[h3] No Ongoing Struggle [
This dispute, ultimately, resulted in no harm or foul for either side. Both companies followed proper legal procedures and resolved the claims without further escalation. The brands of Remedy and Take-Two Interactive will continue to exist harmoniously, with no ongoing struggle between them.**

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