CDPR To Start Development of The Witcher: ‘Polaris’ This Year

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CD Projekt to Kickstart Production of ‘Polaris,’ the Next Witcher Game, in 2023

The co-CEO of CD Projekt, Adam Badowski, announced that the development of ‘Polaris,’ the upcoming entry in The Witcher series, will begin this year. Established as one of the most acclaimed and adored franchises in gaming history, The Witcher has amassed a vast following since its debut. Badowski expressed the company’s goal to have around 400 people working on Polaris within the next six months.

Wait for The Witcher: Polaris – No Geralt in Sight?

Fans have been eagerly anticipating the release of The Witcher: Polaris, but it seems they might have to wait a bit longer. The last major installment in the series, The Witcher 3, was released back in 2015. Despite its age, it remains a fan-favorite title to this day. There’s much speculation contact about the potential storyline of The Witcher: Polaris, with Geralt of Rivia, the beloved protagonist, unlikely to take the lead role.

During an interview last year, Badowski confirmed that he hasn’t been contacted by CD Projekt Red about creating any more Witcher games featuring Geralt. However, it doesn’t necessarily rule out the possibility of Geralt making an appearance in a smaller capacity.

Expanding The Witcher Universe: What’s Next?

With a richly detailed universe encompassing thousands of years of fictional history, The Witcher franchise offers ample source material for future installments. Recently, the series’ creator, Andrzej Sapkowski, shared that he is writing a new book set in The Witcher universe, adding to the lore and intrigue surrounding this captivating world.

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