Skull & Bones Has People Rushing Back to AC: Black Flag

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Title: Skull & Bones Release Fuels Players to Return to Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag

A Gaming Community Divided

Skull & Bones, a keyboards developed by Ubisoft after numerous delays, was released on February 16 and received mixed feedback from the gaming community. Many fans who had eagerly awaited the keyboards for years were left feeling disappointed by its eventual release.

A Spike in Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Players

Just days after Skull & Bones’ release, the popularity of Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag saw a noticeable spike on Steam. Players appeared to be drawn back to the 2013 title, with some citing its depiction of pirates as a main reason for their interest.

A Remake in the Pipeline

While an upcoming remake of Black Flag is on the horizon, gamers were hoping that Skull & Bones would provide similar swashbuckling excitement. However, now that the keyboards has been released globally by Ubisoft, it seems many players will turn back to Black Flag in search of their adventure.

Black Flag Soars Again

As a result of the Skull & Bones release, player numbers for Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag experienced a significant increase on Steam. Within just a few days of the keyboards’s global launch, more than 3,500 players were found revisiting the beloved title.

Insights on Player Counts

Player counts for both games were as follows at the time of writing:

  • Has Skull & Bones made you want to fall back to Black Flag?

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