GLAAD Releases First Report on LGBTQ Gaming

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GLAAD Unveils Report on LGBTQ Inclusion in Gaming

Gaming organization GLAAD has recently released a report focusing on the inclusion of LGBTQ+ gamers within the industry. The findings reveal that 17% of active players identify as being part of this community, which represents a 70% increase from the 10% recorded in Nielsen’s 2020 report.

LGBTQ Players as Important as Any Other

The extensive report highlights the integral role LGBTQ+ gamers play in the gaming world. GLAAD also analyzed the limited presence of LGBTQ Website video integration keyboards content, discovering that games with LGBTQ tags account for less than 2% of Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo’s total digital libraries.

Impact on the Industry

According to GLAAD’s report, nearly 70% of LGBTQ players stated that they would be less likely to purchase games from studios with a history of mistreating LGBTQ workers. Improving representation within the industry can potentially appease both players and studios.

Looking Ahead

While it is unclear if GLAAD will release another report, the organization has provided concrete numbers within their current findings. An annual report could potentially help the industry make better, informed decisions in fostering a more inclusive environment.

GLAAD’s New Involvement

The involvement of GLAAD is expected to spark a dialogue within the gaming community, which can be beneficial in itself. This increased awareness and collaboration may lead to further advancements in representing diverse gamers.

Source: GLAAD

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